That elder's statement is typical of the arrogant ignorance plaguing creationists. There is no bigger fool than the one who has convinced himself that he's wise while being totally ignorant.
The elder's comments reveals that he does not understand what evolution is. He clearly imagines evolution as being a process where one individual animal of a particular kind changes to a completely new kind with no transition whatsoever.
But the reality is that individual animals do not evolve. Whole populations evolve. Evolution is a phenomenon that happens at the population level and it happens very, very, very, very, very, very, very gradually over an extended period of time and over many, many, many, many, many, generations of an animal population. The transition between one kind and another is an extremely long one spanning many, many, many generations, such that one cannot point out the exact generation where one kind becomes another. So given that it is an entire population that evolves then both male and female members of that population come out in the new kind at the same time and are all able to reproduce with each other throughout the transition to the new kind.
The transition from one kind to another is as gradual as the transition from the darkness of midnight to the full light of midday with each second of time representing a new generation of the population. Just as one cannot identify a single second as being the defining moment when midnight turned to midday, in the same way one cannot identify the exact generation when one kind evolved to another. There would never be a single animal of a population - male or female - evolving into a new kind all by itself and having to wait for others to evolve to its kind so they can reproduce.
So the elder's comment is as stupid as someone saying:
"for the theory that one side of the planet is in daylight while the other is in darkness, to be true, there would have to be day/night boundary moving across the face of the planet and one should be able to stand at that boundary with one foot being in darkness and the other foot being in daylight."